Sunday, February 5, 2012


Discernment: The selfless act of one giving their worldly desires over to their maker and trusting that Jesus Christ will deliver them to their proper vocation. A process by which is vital for every single man and woman to undergo when their hearts are mature and their minds open to the will of God.

Women: You are already there, for you were created in the garden of perfection and your love for God was assumed. Feel no shame in the light of Christ; your hearts are already lost in the midsts of his divinity. Do not burden nor boast yourself by your gifts; do not lead your brothers to sin. Exalt rather, your maternal love to the world and the lord your God will captivate your heart and grant you eternal peace. Your heart should be so lost in Christ that man must seek Him to find you.

Men: Swallow your pride. Bang on the gates to Eden and beg for mercy. For by nature you are foreign to this fertile land. Consecrate yourself to Mary, it is by the way of your mother that you may once again know love.  Shamar the woman of God. It is your duty and your salvation as men to protect that which gives you life. Do not lead your sisters to sin. Give your will completely to God. It is the most blessed among men that he will call his own. This is the vocation that you should desire. Pray for this circumcision of heart. By searching for God in heaven, you may find her heart which God created for you.             

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