Monday, February 20, 2012

The Woman at the Well

The Gospel According to Saint John
Jesus and the Woman of Samaria 4:1-26

Read from the Gospel of John below

Q1 – Why is there a note inserted into the text that says that Jesus did not baptize when 3:22 just stated that Jesus was baptizing with his disciples in Judea?
Q2 - Why did Jesus take the route through Samaria?
Q3- What is the significance of the sixth hour and the fact that there is a woman at the well?
Q4 - What does Jesus mean when he says, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘give me a drink,’ you would have asked him and he would have given you living water?”
Q5 - Why is it that when the woman finally asks Jesus for water, he begins to ask about her husband(s)? Why did he not give her the living water?

Throughout the fourth Gospel, John uses relationships in order to tell who Christ is and reveals his identity to individuals. Jesus’ relationships tell how he associates with the Father and the Holy Spirit, with his disciples and followers and with the men and women who have not yet come to know the truth. This meeting with the Samaritan woman is a story of Jesus inviting a woman to faith, but is much different than when Jesus encourages Nicodemus to do the same. Jesus chooses the setting of the well to address this Samaritan woman just as the well is a common meeting place for men and women to make relations throughout salvation history; (Gen 24:11-27: Abraham and Rebecca; 29:1-21: Jacob and Rachel; Ex 2:15-21 Moses and Seporah).[1] The story of the Samaritan woman can sound self evident in the sense that Jesus is simply making know to the region of Samaria, through the woman, that he is the Messiah; however, this story provokes many questions when looked at closely.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Exegetical Analysis of John 3:16

The Gospel according to Saint John:

John 3:16
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.”

John 3:16 is one of the most known, if not the most known, verses of the bible amongst Christians throughout the world. It can be seen on posters at sporting events, bumper stickers, and even television commercials as Christians acclaim the gospel. 3:16 has been appropriately called a summary of the whole gospel, but it must be understood within the whole text. Moses lifted up serpent as a life giving sign for those afflicted with physical death. John’s baptism of repentance prepared Israel for the coming of the Son of man who would be lifted up as salvation for all men (and women) afflicted with spiritual death. By Christ’s earthly action of simultaneous suffering, dying and prevailing glory, Jesus made known his heavenly love which brought forth salvation for all who believe.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Discernment: The selfless act of one giving their worldly desires over to their maker and trusting that Jesus Christ will deliver them to their proper vocation. A process by which is vital for every single man and woman to undergo when their hearts are mature and their minds open to the will of God.

Women: You are already there, for you were created in the garden of perfection and your love for God was assumed. Feel no shame in the light of Christ; your hearts are already lost in the midsts of his divinity. Do not burden nor boast yourself by your gifts; do not lead your brothers to sin. Exalt rather, your maternal love to the world and the lord your God will captivate your heart and grant you eternal peace. Your heart should be so lost in Christ that man must seek Him to find you.

Men: Swallow your pride. Bang on the gates to Eden and beg for mercy. For by nature you are foreign to this fertile land. Consecrate yourself to Mary, it is by the way of your mother that you may once again know love.  Shamar the woman of God. It is your duty and your salvation as men to protect that which gives you life. Do not lead your sisters to sin. Give your will completely to God. It is the most blessed among men that he will call his own. This is the vocation that you should desire. Pray for this circumcision of heart. By searching for God in heaven, you may find her heart which God created for you.             

Saturday, February 4, 2012

About Collegiate Catholic

This blog has been inspired by Blessed John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI and their call for the evangelization of the Internet. I am an undergraduate theology student at Benedictine College. I am on fire for the Catholic faith and devoted to glorifying the Lord with my life. This blog will serve to highlight my studies of theology and make known the love of Christ. 

To submit questions for Catholic Q&A or provide feedback, please email me at

I would like to give a special thanks to the following for teaching, challenging, and encouraging me to grow in my faith: 
- John and Jeanne Gormley
- Pete, Jeanna, Beth, Nicholas, and Patrick Ambrose 
Dr. Tsakanikas, Dr. Blosser, Dr, Ramage, Dr. Madden, Dr. Swafford and Dr. Zia
- Fr. Robert Wedow, Fr. Brendan Rolling OSB, Fr. Meinrad OSB and Archbishop Charles J. Chaput

                Mission Statement
He has paid my debts, my decision has been 
made. I will stand for my faith, I will go where 
I'm called. I see clearly to my prospect because my eminence is strong. I will give where giving is needed until it hurts and receive nothing but grace from God.

I will not fraternize with the enemy for I shall never 
assemble myself upon the devils presence. I 
cannot be expended, judged, broke, diverged, or 
negotiated. My assets are few and my sacrifices many.

I need not to be honored nor approved by any person. 
I am Catholic. I belong fully to the most holy Catholic and 
Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ. Among 
myself are others, freely partaking in the body of Christ.
Through my baptism, I have been anointed Priest, 
Prophet, and King. Thus my Father has willed me His 
mediator, messenger, and authority. I must go. My mother
has called me. My road will be long, my companions few. 
I shall not fear, for I am a son of Christ.